Dominique Mantelli about me squarespace website designer.jpg


I’m so glad you are here. Allow me to introduce myself to you as a girl in her 20s who is obsessed with her dogs and always jumping into a new project. Currently, you could say my title is Executive Assistant/Project Manager. Yes, I did make that title for myself. I work with my parents so an actual job title isn’t really required. In 2016 I graduated from fashion school and have been job jumping ever since. A couple of years ago my beautiful and talented mother Phylis Mantelli decided that she wanted me to work for her handling her social media, website, and all those other pesky things entrepreneurs shy away from.


Check Out Phylis Mantelli’s Website


As I started working on her website I realized I actually loved the process and people started to notice. Fast forward to here today as you are reading this, I made the jump to work a side hustle and I’m now in the business of helping entrepreneurs create their site while teaching them how to maintain it! I mean I can’t be everyone’s project manager (even though I wish I could)!

Well enough about me, take a look around the site. If you have any questions feel free to contact me through my email or on Instagram. Oh, and if you need help with your website contact me and we can get started today!

about me page for dominique mantelli squarespace web designer.jpg

I basically live my life over on Instagram, head on over, let’s be friends!